Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Counter-Strike (Steam) on ArchLinux via Wine

get the required base package available at archlinux
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm wine winetricks
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm wine_gecko wine-mono q4wine
try to get "steam" installed the proper way
winetricks steam
if the above command fails the next two commands shall do the job, although you'll need to download aria2.exe (and unzip) and maybe SteamInstall.msi (if not found)

msiexec /i ~/.cache/winetricks/steam/SteamInstall.msi
wine arial32.exe /Q
now the system is ready to run Steam Client, try following script to run it (otherwise there might be some font not displaying or other issues)
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.steam
export WINEDEBUG=-all
nice -n 19 wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/Steam.exe -no-dwrite
using it you can start your Steam Client, then it's common way as other platforms to log-in to your Steam Account and install Counter Strike or any other game you play

Sunday, August 25, 2013

yum-my ~ get your public yum-repo rolling on Google AppEngine

Wanna get your public yum repository rolling,

Get started by cloning boilerplate code...
$ git clone
$ cd gae-flat-web
$ mkdir -p yummy/<distro><releasever>/<basearch>

$ cp <all_my_rpms_of__distro_releasever_basearch> yummy/<distro><releasever>/<basearch>

$ createrepo yummy/<distro><releasever>/<basearch>/

now, place a file 'flat_web/yum-my-el6<or-whichever>.repo' with content 

and can link this file on your 'flat_web/index.htm' homepage to host: $ google_appengine/ update

have a look at my repo code @

For demo, here is the one I'm hosting

Saturday, August 3, 2013

woes & ways in CentOS install via USB

I've been a regular-irregular user of CentOS over time an all the times in past from what I remember installing it with CD/DVDs.

Just tried installing it  with USB and things got messy. Tried minimal, net-install and DVD iso to the level of getting tired. Everything goes well until the bootloader set-up screen comes up and then set-up goes to hell. It shows error for not founding ISO 9660 on the device. Tried un-mounting and mounting different partitions over '/mnt/isodir' and clicking 'retry' button. Nothing worked.

Either read out following links article#1 (Install from USBKey), article#2 (fix mount image error) and try the solutions/steps in there.

The install boot option from LiveCD/LiveDVD dumped on USB worked just fine for me.